Totally agree with you. Even Dorsey, Mallers etc., using iPhones. It's like they don't understand what this fight is all about. And I hate to say that about legends like them, and maybe I'm an extreme tin foil hatter, but any central choke point the GAE can go for to go after Bitcoin they will go for. We have some time but not much. So start using the tools now, ffs. Yes it's a bit of a LARP now, but pretty soon it's going to get real and anything we can do now to get prepared has to be worth it. E2e encryption, self sovereign Bitcoin wallets, etc., None of these are going to be in the Apple or Google play store in 10 years time. You will be arrested at the airport if you're found with these on your phone. The worst dystopia you can imagine is coming. The GAE is bankrupt and needs to extract eye popping tribute from citizens and conquered nations to keep the racket going. 100s of military bases around the world that need paying for. People not only in the US but around the world must be in dollars in order for the inflationary tax to be effective and not cause hyper inflation. The military shrinking or not being paid is not an option. Senators and Congressmen not being paid is not an option. The only option is the world being forced to slave in the petrodollar system and anyone who thinks Apple is going to stand up against that has no idea of the scale of the problem. Yes, you can say "well you LARPers with you Pixels are hardly going to be able to stand up and fight" but I reject that defeatist framing. I'm going to give it a go just out of spite. If enough of us make it difficult for them then at least we can make the lives of our enemies a little less easy. Better than nothing.