Tried trading various things a bit on and off. And after losing a like 3% of my stack, I found that I just like didnt have the stomach for it. Part of me wanted to keep going but part of me didnt care. I already had a good amount of resources. Then I thought I settled down when I was holding mostly bitcoin and a bit of litecoin for a bit and then we went through one of those cataclysmic moments where everything goes down. And I had a formative realization moment like "why the fuck did I not just hold bitcoin. Why am I holding this bs made up coin all this shit could disappear tomorrow"
Cause see thats the thing about the alt coiners logic. They always tell you "it will go up more cause right now its so unknown" but no one thinks about the other side of that, that its so unknown that you can easily see how it can just fade out and descend back in to nothingness. Then I sold my litecoin and decided to only hold bitcoin. This was like 6 years ago I think.
Bitcoin had a good chance of staying. But any one of the zillion alt coins isnt guaranteed. But also what if someone makes yourcoin 2.0? Theres just too many ways for it to go wrong. Selling my litecoin honestly was a big moment for me that im really proud of, because looking back it was the right decision. I dont even know if litecoin went up by more or less but I still think its really just like dust in the wind.
See my problem is this. I have used bitcoin before. And I know it actually GETS used daily 24/7 365. Ive never used litecoin (other than to self custody it or test my own ability to send it). And sure I could, but it seems like everyone who uses litecoin does it more performatively. As in the bulk of bitcoin transactions were being done by users who were choosing to use bitcoin because it actually was making practical sense. The litecoin users seemed to predominantly just be hobbyists and enthusiasts/eccentrics. The blanket term I use to describe this group is "fans". And I noticed this pattern pervade almost every alt coin, where the majority of participants seemed to be essentially spectators and fans rather than "real users". And many of the alt coiners shared this commonality of not self custodying their own coins, and having never actually sent a transaction of their chosen alt coin. Of course, despite this they had no shame in going on and on about random technical attributes of their coin of choice, even though evidently having no understanding of how it worked and lacked the ability to verify any such notions as they had never even used the token.