I run CalyxOS. They did a great job and I have mad respect for them. But certain apps, like bank apps, don't work. (And yes, I use bank apps.) Most of the apps that justify using a smartphone in the first place require a lot of effort to use on a de-googled phone, if they work at all.
When my coworkers see me frantically reinstalling Aurora Store because it can't connect ans I need a specific app right now they laugh and tell me to get an iPhone. And I work in tech so these are people that could handle Calyx.
The point is, the smartphone ecosystem does not serve my needs so I would love to kick the habit as soon as is practical. I make an effort in this direction at least twice a year.
Calyx was too much of a compromise for me. I moved off Apple to a GrapheneOS phone, and my banking apps work fine.
There's a lot of small things about android that are frustratingly worse than ios, but I'm sick of the privacy LARPing from Apple.
Why was Calyx too much of a compromise? Isn't Graphene even more locked down?
I'd read that Calyx doesnt work well with gapps, including banking apps. Graphene and Calyx have a different approach to wrapping Google services. Don't know the details, but I haven't had a single app not work on graphene, and I don't think the same can be said about Calyx
Maybe I'll give it a shot. Thanks!
As someone who has never used an ios device, I have no idea what you're talking about.
Yeah, I use GrapheneOS too, no google play store tho.
I log in to my banks website rather than using the app. I use obtainium to install apps from the github repo. I forced myself to learn to drive with OSM& instead of google maps.
I changed the way I lived my life, because I knew the way I lived my life was not good for me.
Well I sorta agree on the last point. The way I live my life is sub-optimal. But if I'm reexamining it, maybe I should go all the way. Does a smartphone with only apps benefit me? Maybe I'll be happier with a dumb phone and occasionally running not open apps in an emulator.
Only open* apps