Yes, a freedom loving bitcoiner is not using a closed platform and is therefore not affected by this drama.
A sovereign individual on iOS is an oxymoron.
A free man has control over his computing and is not controlled by a third party.
I agree but they tried to target the average people with the AppStore. That being said I look at that with distance too (not affected at all and using Amethyst).
You don't go to Apple crying to restore your app... You go and start a campaign where all your app users and bitcoiners will dump the shiny iShit devices in protest and you will see then how Apple will react... Hurt them where is the most important: cash flow
Yes, the only vote that costs something is the vote with your purse. Buying not buying something is the question here.
This reminds me what Richard stallman tried to do for a long time, this doesn't work so well to attract new users. As a long term solution I agree.