I'm excited about it. I'm a Mac user and have been waiting for a high quality AR device so I can use it for work/programming.
The first few versions will probably be a buggy, expensive toy and even though some people see AR/VR as dystopic (and it might be) I think it's the future.
Besides the dystopia, would you be comfortable sticking wifi, bluetooth and cellular EMFs a few millimeters away from your brain?
Probably but I might also be unaware of recent research showing these kinds of EMFs are harmful
There are many studies showing how harmful they are, and there are many showing they are not. A lot of studies were funded by tech companies. As someone who understand incentives, I tend to err on the side of caution.
And out of basic logic and knowledge of cell biology, never in the history of mankind we were exposed to such amounts of electromagnetic radiation so close to our cells (which essentially work by electric interactions). Radiation intensity is inversely proportional to the square of the distance.
My memory of doing a google review years ago was that the research was inconclusive.
I tend to agree with you though and ideally I would live by the precautionary principle. When it comes to work though I tend to accept the self-harm that's required to accomplish what I want.
As always, tradeoffs 😉