I have faith in strike and lots of different bitcoin companies.
If bitcoin is going to succeed then there will have to be companies that build things using it. I agree that adoption should come from grassroots movements but lots of companies are founded this way. Strike was founded by Jack Mallers who was a well respected open source dev in the community for years until we later went and built strike with a team of engineers he had met in FOSS.
Big company gets corrupted @benthecarman, it's the history that tells this, not me. Anyway I hope you're right, but Mallers it's just a person like anybody else, give him a lot of fiat and he will obey.
Just the fact that Strike is basically a service that converts to fiat for payment implies that they will have to obey to compliance rules. Not good at all imo.
Yes, but this will be something normies want and I'd rather him build it than Brian Armstrong
I think that's fine. We need to try everything and see what sticks. Bitcoin becomes stronger as businesses try stuff and either succeed or fail.
Would much rather see we explore a bunch of avenues than pigeonhole ourselves and don't dig for new possibilities. Maybe one day an automated, free version of strike will somehow be created