Shitcoins will never go away. They will always be a poor investment and will lose out to Bitcoin in the long term, but they will be around.
Creating a shitcoin is very profitable (for the issuer) and the cost of producing them is essentially zero. Anyone who maintains a strong network effect has the power to issue a shitcoin that will succeed in the near- to mid-term. Apple, Twitter, FB, anyone who produces a popular video game, etc.
Whatever activity can be done profitably will be done. If no one has said that before, let's call it Mudblood's Law.
None of this is meant as a justification, just a prediction.
Agreed. And if US exchanges are forced to de-list securities, then I can also see a lot more of this being built on top of Bitcoin. NFTs and rudimentary BRC-20 coins are already here, so who knows what'll be cooked up in the next few years.
I don't think anyone here is mentally prepared for the sheer degeneracy we'll see on Bitcoin during the next bull cycle lmao.