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I've wondered the same thing myself for a long time. I still have not settled for a final answer.
On one hand, if we take a loan, we are participating in the expansion of the money supply together with the banksters. We are diluting the fiat currency at the expense of everyone. What specially makes this a spicy point in my mind is thinking how I can do this because I am a privileged westerner, and how there are billions on earth that will never have access to such options. In a sense, you could picture being a cantillionaire not as a binary yes/no status, but rather as an spectrum. And in that spectrum, we are much closer to the cantillionarie side than most people.
On the other hand, game theory dictates you should. It's the good old "if you don't do it, somebody else will". Actually, when you think about it, they don't even need you to ask for the loan to expand the money supply. The government-banking cartel will do it anyways as they please. So, why be left behind? It's as if everyone is drinking from the lake, and this will make the lake go dry and hurt everyone, so you wonder if it's an evil thing to do to drink yourself. But, if the lake is going to go dry regardless...
It makes me wonder about the prisoner's dilemma in a moral way, which is something I had never done before. Are the prisoners being evil by incriminating each other?
I love your "cantillionaire spectrum" idea. That's a great way to put it.
I also agree that in the end, what I do won't matter much as the system is made for infinite debasement of people's energy.
Maybe a moral way to approach this would be to:
a. enjoy my knowledge of the scam and short fiat to the ground by contracting loans to fund my life b. educate as many people as I can, hopefully saving them from a 100% certain melt of their savings purchasing power c. continue building on bitcoin
If we educated everyone, eventually a distributed speculative attack on fiat would happen.
If everyone heads to the bank and gets a fiat loan to invest in Bitcoin, this pushes the fiat price of Bitcoin up. This sparks a virtuous snowball where there is an ever bigger incentive to borrow fiat and buy bitcoin (as you say, shorting fiat).
You do this fast enough, and fiat hyperinflates away, and hyperbitcoinization kicks in.
So, coming back to the original question: one positive side of taking the loan is you are pushing the snowball towards fiat's death. It's a peculiar "the worse, the better" situation.
Are you going to stop eating because others don't have access to food?
Accelerate. Take advantage of a broken system while you can.
It will end whether we help along or not. Accelerate.