In the United States, about half the country votes Republican, and half Democrat
In the last presidential election more people did not vote than voted for any 1 person. I see that and think most people don't want to participate in the BS system.
If any group of people end up getting more power in Bitcoin you can still run a forked version of the bitcoin core code. If UBI supported removed the hard-cap on the max supply of BTC you could just stay with the forked version that does have the hard-cap.
Yep. Frequently welfare programs that debase a currency do help people that have 0 in their bank account, but hurt the middle and working class by inflating the currency.
At the time of the fork, we will see if there is more people with some Bitcoin saved up that understand economics, or more people with no Bitcoin saved up that don't understand economics
I would like to think hyperbitcoinization brings understanding of such things though.