This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
What if the future means local currencies backed by bitcoin? For example 1 Paypal Coin would be redeemable for 10 bits at any time. This would scale bitcoin kinda, but also by having issuers compete against each other for integrity and trust and so on.
I mean what if Tethers next step is off-chain infra, that moves Tether around. And each Tether is pegged to for example 10 bits, redeemable on-chain or on LN at will.
Just made #CoffeeChain Radio on Nostr Nests..... Pretty much just playing lofi hip hop, some Ai generated, some from epedemic sound.
Created a link for NostrChat through the nest, and am awarding 1k sats to the first 3 plebs to arrive. I plan on rambling like a madman about bitcoin over drinks with my normie friend later in the nest, he's almost there but keeps talking about bitcoins volitility.....
I plan on doing more stuff with tunestr, creating more beat tapes while leveraging nostr tools like stemstr and ai tools like bandlab and midjourney. Gonna turn the recordings into podcasts most likely, try to get the fountain crowd in there.
I would love any tips, advice or feedback....I'm a will get v4v'ed
Apologies for the shameless shill, Hustle
Sounds awesome. How do I listen?
any good write ups on Nostr Nests?
Needs to be compatible with alby nostr login
Day 57 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
Good Sunday funday everyone!! It seems it's a bloody market today but don't worry it will come back up, the SEC is just giving it's final dying kicks, at this moment seems bad but no fret they won't kill crypto, it's a good time to shop, and accumulate, then place it in your wallet and let it go back up. Things will be ok, so go out and spend some time with family or friends or all by yourself and see if you can find something you can learn or something to create. I hope you enjoy your day and I wish you an amazing Sunday, be well and stay frosty my friend.
My 1st full day ever in Mexico! Cerveca in the sun time!
I'm taking the plunge today and getting a Pixel 7. Graphene, here I come! Any tips and pointers are welcome.
Nice job man. Could you document some of your experience on here? It would be nice to see more sovereign tech content on SN
Good luck.