It seems odd to me that ETH stakers are putting up 32ETH (approx $56k) to receive a 4,1% yield (Lido APR). 4.1% doesn't seem like much considering in most jurisdictions you have to pay taxes on that income (like a dividend) and considering the technical, custodial (in most cases), regulatory and let's be honest founder/foundation risk. Granted a big risk has been mitigated now that they can unstake but there is still a queue, so if shit hits the fan good luck getting out in time. Seems to me they are more trying to perpetuate a supply squeeze than actually doing it for the yield, but what do I know.
Anyways, that got me thinking about how much yield I would need to get on my Bitcoin to consider undertaking such risks. I couldn't come up with a sensible number, so I gave up and placed it in the too hard pile but I am curious what other bitcoiners think. What yield would you need to get to lend some of your bitcoin through a centralized custodian?
Fuck that, I am Mr Freeze58.5%
41 votes \ poll ended