I am not going to share attribution of who made this statement, but it was an OG, and it was in response to certain things that were being said by people from Swan on social media who were engaged in crisis management.
Disclosure: I am not a customer of Swan. I have reasons to personally dislike Swan. Yes, I am biased, but I am sharing this post with that being made completely open so no one can accuse me of being disengenuous.
Best option is to withdraw ASAP -- if there is a fractional reserve, find out! I am not a shitcoiner, never have been ($20 bucks of Doge from 2013 that I didn't know about, and held ETH for a few months in 2017 when I got into bitcoin before realizing it was worthless trash -- people call me toxic, so I'm the furthest you can get from an anti-maxi). I think Swan wasted their opportunity to build useful tools in favor of marketing, got in my way, and you can say I'm arrogant (probably am), but when you get in my way, there's a good chance I'll consider your existence as a net negative unless you impress me, and Swan does not impress.
STOP accepting fiat! Soon will come the day that they will want to pay you in CBDC.