You are fundamentally wrong in all your comparisos. First of all you are comparing a layer 2 like lightning with layer 1 like Cardano. In terms of fees is equivalent of comparing Bitcoin with lightning itself. There are layer 2 solutions in Cardano FYI and a comparison between these 2 would make more sense. Second, your user experience is narrowed to a wallet, exodus, which by the way is very closed to a centralized exchange. So in this case is like comparing your user experience with something like binance and the lightning experience. In fact in exodus you cannot stake your ada to any pool different than the ones from exodus which means you don't really own those Ada's in exodus. Invite codes for better trading fees? Really? Do you really think is this coming from Cardano? Again is like thinking that a trading fee in binance is something coming from Bitcoin protocol.
Seems like I forgot to mention that my friend told me about Exodus. It wasn't my pick.
I guess that wasn't clear.
Maybe you can tell me about these layer 2 solutions and wallets I should have used to compare with Lightning? Then I can make another post.
How am I "fundamentally wrong" about all my comparisons if I just compared two wallets and showed you screenshots?
Exodus is the one my friend told me about. I said I am comparing wallets. That's it.
Any other conclusion is on you.
There are layer 2 solutions in Cardano FYI and a comparison between these 2 would make more sense.
I didn't know that, thanks!
Invite codes for better trading fees? Really? Do you really think is this coming from Cardano?
Did I say that?