Mainly I don't care about digital assets/nfts (the fact that you can run multiple versions of "RGB" and similar solutions on the same BTC blockchain means that there's no uniqueness to the art that defined as NFT), I don't care about financial products (some debt based solutions, smart contracts, trading, markets...) and I don't understand Carbonado, so no opinion there :)
I have some interest in p2p trading and buy/selling of real items, but there it also sounds like RGB is one of many solutions.
What about prediction markets? ;)
Good to know! And you are correct with RGB, the amount of digital assets that can be anchored to the UTXO is, well, it's not limitless, but it's a lot.
Carbonado is a trustless and permissionless decentralized storage protocol that uses Nostr keys to sign and encrypt stored data.