You are a fucking retard. Using Swan, meant using Prime Trust, a shitcoin platform makes way more money than if you use a normal exchange. Congratulations, your net worth is $1k and you fund shitcoin platforms 3x more than a non-LARPer.
Maybe start flipping burgers to make some more money, you ARROGANT, worthless piece of shit. Learn arithmetic, fuck face.
You are a LARPer who knows amazingly little about how these services are architected, but talk out of your ass regardless. The world would be a better place with you holding less bitcoin, but water finds its level in time. 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
10/10 toxic until the end. I like practicing our toxicity together but the one thing I never wish on anyone is for them to have less Bitcoin….
I never used Swan in my life