I don't have an account there and use a third party app to view content. I love it and always try to find comments in the threads or discussions that make me laugh.There are so many people who just say funny stuff if you read through enough threads. Unfortunately most third party apps will be shutting down and some portion of users no longer plan to use the app.
I bet some here use Reddit. Just curious where everyone plans to go? not many have mentioned where they plan to go. Nostr is cool but it also still has a ways to go. I think there are Reddit clones already built on it. Maybe one of those can be a candidate. I like Stacker and Bitcoin but have many very broad interests beyond Bitcoin so I find communities propped up around it to be a little too focused on that topic which makes sense. But even on Nostr via the various clients a lot of it is just Bitcoin and Crypto talk.
Like all things reddit is flawed and impermanent. I plan to do nostr, SN and read more books.
The platform and company that ran it yes. The overall concept, content and community is not flawed.
Hey Frick, News - Redreader allowed to keep going, but with a few changes. Dev not sure how permanent - but it's something! (See User QuantumBadger posts on Reddit for more...) 😁
Thanks for the heads up I will go ahead and give it a look!
No problem, keep smiling & thanks! 🥳
Reddit was already in it's tipping point with censorship and bad mods.
The only alternatives I currently use are stacker news, Tildes, Lobster and testing some Lemmy instances.
Looking forward outer.space, I think an alternative with Nostr is a definitive solution.
I thought Lemmy was going to be a great alternative, and I was active on the !bitcoin community.
Then those commie bastards blocked my account from posting. As bad, if not worse, than Reddit. F Lemmy!!!
I'm just as upset as you about it all - Reddit can be really fun and make your day.
I read that QuantumBadger, the developer behind open-source 3rd party Reddit app Redreader suggested that, as a workaround, individuals could,
“sign up as a Reddit Developer, generate their own API key, and enter it into the app when they run it the first time.”
However the dev added that,
“this isn't exactly a quick or simple process, and I think it would be enough of a hurdle that most people would just stop using the app. It would also make it impossible to anonymously use Reddit without an account.”
Also, I believe they later on added that if Reddit got wind that this might be happening in large numbers that they might prevent this.
However, on the bright side, people will start putting their energy into decentralized alternatives that can't be messed with.
Stacker News might get some more users and traffic because of it too.
Yeah I would not want to create an account or sign up to do that. The app I use allows me to bookmark subreddits I like without logging in. It is a really good experience.
Will be interesting to see how LN enables decentralized alternatives and reward structures to handle things like content moderation on behalf of the general public.
Yep, Redreader does all that too - plus no ads (but I've never had ads on my phone as it's de-googled)
Not sure if another way - teddit will be viable with wrappers such as Teddy will still be a work around...
apollo is dead now