Can’t wait to try this out! What does the carbonado integration look like? I’m guessing that if you have a uda with a reference to some media in carbonado it pulls it for you?
Actually, honestly, we're only using Carbonado for E2EE contract storage right now. That's a much simpler problem on the serverside, and we didn't have the carbonado-node finished in time. We're technically running bitmaskd, our dev server, on a single cloud server somewhere... Once we have the node finished though, we're in a partnership with Hut8 to host our first nodes. We also have have an absurd number of AWS credits, so even having a backup took some convincing, haha... Hopefully we can turn those into sats soon!
If you're curious about the node, however, this is what we have so far: Still WIP, but we're getting closer.