I see that you are a Bitcoin maximalist. But I only ask because I am a beginner, a relative beginner.
Beginner? I would say a shitcoiner pretending to be a bitcoiner. Red alert words:
  • altcoins (like it there's an alternative, but it isn't)
  • interesting blockchains - LOL that is the dumbest thing
  • tokens
  • worthy projects
  • Meta
Only by these and show us exactly from where you are coming. Stop pretending to be a bitcoiner. BE A BITCOINER. Start reading more and use bitcoin not shitcoins. https://bitcoin.page https://lightning.how
Asking these meaningless questions will not help you became a bitcoiner. Ask important questions: how to use bitcoin, how it works bitcoin. Not IF Bitcoin will kick ass shitcoins.
There is no need to insult me by calling me a "shitcoiner". Yes, I am not a bitcoin maximalist. Yes, I use other blockchains, but I see the greatest prospects in Bitcoin. And I'm not pretending at all, I'm writing what I think. Another issue is that I don't know much about Bitcoin. For example, in this post, I was given links to websites that I have never seen before. Secondly, I don't speak English, and this does not allow me to understand it properly.
Don't let toxic maxifags tell you what you are when you are absolutely certain of that.
Bitcoin has had to patch on what other crypto like Monero and Pirate have had natively since their genesis. The latter two, however, are made exclusively for private and intimate transactions while Bitcoin is far more transparent in both design and functionality; Lightning only exists because it was bad optics for maxis that didn't actually use the coin they were pumping to shill for high fees as other crypto in the space hunkered down to make their coins more utilitarian.
Bitcoin primarily due to its legacy will likely outlive other crypto, and Lightning will aid in that happening. That doesn't mean other crypto don't have purposeful usecases.
I'm of the opinion that shitcoins are basically testnets for future Bitcoin layers.
Whatever actually works, Bitcoin could absorb over time over different layers. The power of monetary networks is too strong for some other blockchain to compromise security or decentralization in favor of throughput.
Bitcoin already represents almost 50% of the digital asset space. With almost 20% being "stable" tokens, etherum being 15% and the rest of the noise representing the other 15%.
Most of those shitcoiners are hoping to buy the next Bitcoin. But Bitcoin is the next Bitcoin. Shitcoins are unregistered securities sometimes but Ponzi schemes almost all of the time
Imagine trying to ride any other horse in this race
Hey, Gary!
I'll defend your right to competently and knowingly waste your money. No government or commission will ban you from blowing every cent you earn on scratch tickets, so why should I tell you you cant... but, I'll defend my right to believe what walks like a duck and talks like a duck is a motherfuckin unregistered security.
When you go to conbase and search 'bitcoin' wanna know what shows up?
Bitcoin, wrapped bitcoin, bitcoin cash, bitcoin SV, bitcoin Gold, Bitcoin BEP2, Rootstock Smart Bitcoin, Bitcoin Diamond, Bitcoin 2, Bitcoin Atom, Bitcoin Standard Hashrate Token, Syncrobitcoin, Lightning Bitcoin, BitcoinZ, Bitcoin Private, 0xBitcoin, Bitcoin Plus, Orbitcoin, BitcoinHD, Microbitcoin, Bitcoin Green, BitcoinPoS, BitcoinIncognito, Bitcoin Adult, Bitcoin Confidential, Bitcoin Classic, Bitcoin 21, HarryPotterObamaSonic10Inu (ERC-20) [Ticker: BITCOIN], Bitcoin Avalanche Bridged, Bitcoin Additional, BitcoinPepe, BitcoinVB, Bitcoin Legend, Bitcoin TRC20, Bitcoin Asia, Super Bitcoin, Bitcoin God, BitcoinX, Bitcoin Vault, Bitcoin File, Old Bitcoin, Pulsebitcoin, Bitcointry Token, Baby Bitcoin, BNBitcoin, BabyBitcoin (the other one has a space, this one no space), and Bitcoin Pay.
Conbase and Binance need to reel in their fucking bull shit, because the above is fucking bullshit. There isn't an argument to the contrary. Any respectable exchange wouldn't have listen even a tenth of those fucking moroncoins above listed. People are whipping up these tokens with python scripts in seconds time and a fuckin publicly traded company gives this shit equal consideration to bitcoin, my opinion is keep that shit where it belongs, on buggy DEXes.
I'll concede on this regard but rebutt with another question: Who the fuck looks at Coinbase as a serious exchange anyway?
No problem man; I hope you have a better time here, especially with the free sats I gave. Don't let the brief negativity and seeming hivemind deter you from asking good faith questions, I'm sure future inquiries from other Bitcoin enthusiasts will be recieved with less hostility.
Godspeed, and welcome to Stacker News!
As a beginner, you should learn the hard lessons now, before you get hurt: #189980
There is no need to insult me by calling me a "bitcoiner". Yes, I am not a bitcoin maximalist. Yes, I use other blockchains, but I see the greatest prospects in Bitcoin. And I'm not pretending at all, I'm writing what I think. Another issue is that I don't know much about Bitcoin. For example, in this post, I was given links to websites that I have never seen before. Secondly, I don't speak English, and this does not allow me to understand it properly.
There is no need to insult me by calling me a "bitcoiner".
I think you responded to the wrong person
"shitcoiner". This is a mistake, it should be the word shitcoiner
You responded to the wrong person again.