Also some pointers for you since you seem to be new
Being early here isn't an accomplishment of relevance. I've been on SN since only 2k items behind you.
Your opinion of Bitcoin is irrelevant
I worked in finance for years and I studied ITsec to a masters degree. I know Bitcoin, its cryptography and math behind it deeply. Do you?
“Mass adoption” is irrelevant
Agreed. I wrote a post about this, maybe you'll like it: #159684
Bitcoin is the hardest money in human history and everyone will be able to trade their worthless fiat for Sats at the price they deserve.
And Bitcoin is ✨digital✨ because physical is trash. Seems like we actually agree, doesn't it?
Agreed. My opinion on being new or early is also irrelevant.
Apology for my initial tone, I believe “Toxicity” is key to demonstrate the fact that this movement is totally independent of anyone’s feelings.
It is Liberty vs Tyranny and we address it from all angles in our own ways which we have been prepared for by our life experience.