When you deposit into a bank, the incentive to hold onto that money (in the present day) is zero. Banks don't have your money. They lend it out at interest in waves of credit bubbles, rehypothecated so much banks themselves cause inflation before the government creates inflation through subsidies and bailouts to patch the damage the banks have done.
As Bitcoiners, its common knowledge that banks don't have an incentive to protect us, but few and far between do we see Bitcoiners who naturally extend this thought process to other things. What is the incentive for Binance to protect you, for FTX to protect you, for Celcius to protect you, for BlockFi to protect you, for Coinbase to protect you etc etc the list goes on.
Now you might ask what is the incentive for signing devices and software wallet developers to protect you? Indeed we are starting to see these breaches in trust from closed source devices and software. What is the incentive to protect you?
Stop trusting. There is no incentive to protect you. The incentive is to make you comfortable enough to take something from you whether it be data brokering, stealing coins, or something I haven't seen yet. There is almost always an ulterior motive.
There is an incentive however, to protect myself. In protecting myself, I review code, I verify binaries against compiled code using hashes and I share my findings with the greater community. In selfishly protecting myself I accidently protect you. That's how the Bitcoin system works. In selfishly protecting myself, I accidently protect you.
𝐇𝗼𝐰𝐝𝐲 𝐝𝗼 ? 🀠 πŸ‘‹
Are you rolling dice for seeds, or trusting hardware wallet manufacturers?
Or are you verifying the entropy methods of wallet manufacturers? Are you taking a hash of the firmware on the device and comparing it against the compiled firmware from source?
Are they using the CSRNG or TRNG entropy as they should be?
But yes, rolling casino dice is for the better.
I don't recall the details, but isn't there an issue with the chips used by one or more of the major hardware manufacturers?
I don't know anything about that either. Might as well roll dice. Less verification effort