Do we need full-fledged articles on privacy, digital hygiene, and online security on SN? I want to understand if it makes sense to write such articles here or if no one will read them?
The best approach is to write the articles elsewhere (your blog, website, etc) and post the links here.
I would like to learn more about the subject, so those posts are welcome. Bring them on...
I do not have a blog in the English-speaking space of the Internet. But maybe I will think about creating one.
If you're a nostr user, check out
Yeah, that's what I was going to look into just now. thanks
Would like to learn more, especially about securing one's digital assets.
Got it, thanks
I’d read them for sure.
I look here for good discussion topics as much as links out to new developments. If you have questions please ask them here and let's discuss. If you are tracking something new and can summarize that's also great.
There are no guarantees as to whether they will be read. I can speak for myself: I will give a fair read to any articles posted here. I know a lot of content producers link content from other platforms(like substack).
The only way you will find out is by trying. I think SN needs more original content, but that's just me.
Got it) Let's see what other users have to say
For sure, it will be very interesting.