You tell me! Everyone says to run a node behind Tor to not leak your IP address.
1425 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 1 Jun 2023
Depends on why you don't want to leak your IP address.
Most of the times, people overestimate what can be done with an IP address.
Main fears
  1. Getting hacked
  2. Node becomes huge and become a target for meatspace crime
reply - done If you want to route you must be public and visible and reliable. If you want privacy, then run private nodes.
Shameless plebvpn plug. Only for raspiblitz right now, but we're working on adding MyNode support and creating a "turn-key" solution for hosting your own instance.
LOL very cool name !
I'm checking out a thing called hoppy sometime later this month. Basically the solution for if you don't have control of a static IP address, and all the hassles that can cause, but it also acts as a second filter against locating where the keys are.
You should check out zgrok too. It's really not hard to rent a vps anonymously and set up a persistent ssh tunnel to it and attackers have no way to get at your real IP address.
If you can get decent internet, and have a failover set up with mobile network and UPS or a battery included device like a laptop I don't see why you can't run a channel on it.
If the network is crappier than 30mbit maybe avoid but that's not many places anymore.