A lot of announcements happening today, Square Cash, Jack, Samson, etc. Can people post the summaries here in comments?
At the #Bitcoin conference today CashApp announced that they will be allowing their customers to receive Bitcoin over the Lightning network.
Soon will be able to “CashApp” anyone from anywhere in the world by using any of the tens of Lightning Wallet Apps available.
Cash App is playing a catchup with Strike..! is it just me or others feel that their lightning UI/UX is poorly implemented...!
I’m not rooting for any team but it’s important to keep in mind Cash App is just getting started on their Lightning implementation.
Cash app has millions of users strike is till niche. Strike would die to have the market penetration cash app has
"Bitcoin as legal tender in Mexico" - announcement from Mexican legislator that she's bringing a bill to the president to consider Bitcoin as legal tender (and tax-free!) in Madeira, Portugal
That's amazing.
With Mexico it would be hard to ignore for first world legislators to ignore it as a foreign currency.
Madeira interesting as well: It's part of Portugal and Portugal has free movement of people, goods and services into the rest of Europe. Hopefully that has good legal consequences on mainland Europe.
Right. The farther north the movement goes, the better for the movement in the US. As far as Madeira goes, it's rather comical because the whole island infrastructure is based on loans and grants from the IMF over the years. It's just a big charity case and now they're flying the coop.
Wow. Is there more detail on Mexico?
Samson Mow is going to have coffee with the president :P
Also Prospera in Honduras.
Looks like you'll be able to withdraw your coins off RobinHood by May this year, they've already rolled it out some users on the waitlist today. Lightning will also be coming to RobinHood.
Anyone see what Impervious announced?
Here's a pretty decent live-update rundown: https://bitcoinmagazine.com/industry-events/bitcoin-2022
Looks like they just gave a more thorough overview of the browser they’ve been teasing. Looks like you still need to request access to get it. So maybe it’s just a private alpha?
Also check:
Bitcoin 2022 Conference Daily Thread #18595
Strike - Jack Mallers:
Live stream:
BREAKING: Strike has officially partnered with Shopify 🚀
BREAKING: Strike has partnered with NCR, the largest POS provider in the world 🚀
BREAKING: Strike has partnered with Blackhawk, one of the world's largest payment providers 🙌
BREAKING: Strike CEO Jack Mallers has been working with U.S. senator Lummis to foster #Bitcoin innovation 🚀
Network effect really snowballing now!
Strike CEO Jack Mallers HUGE Announcement - Bitcoin 2022 Conference
Also, the live stream on Twitter Broadcasts has Jack's talk, starting at about 07:31:00 where he was introduced.
And now on Youtube the full 44 minute presentation by Jack:
📺 The Full Jack Mallers Announcement at the Bitcoin 2022 Conference | Bitcoin Magazine #18747
Nice! Now can we just stop using anything from the Google, Twitter, and Facebook organizations?
Bitcoin Magazine Youtube Channel Taken Down In the Middle of the Bitcoin Conference! YIKES #18776 https://twitter.com/BTCGandalf/status/1512279798789423121