Honestly, and maybe I've got a soft brain, but it's got to be Saylor for me. As a sort of entrepreneurial character, being both technically brilliant and a charismatic salesman are #goals. He's created some truly priceless and concise explanations of Bitcoin in the David Deutsch sense. I think he's accelerated institutional adoption by a large factor.
There are so many great people in the space though. I'm a huge fan of @jimmysong. He's a technical person I see communicating well from a Bitcoin-as-a-moral-money perspective.
I'm huge fans of galaxy brainers like Breedlove and @dergigi too. @dergigi has a deep kind of Bitcoin wisdom and probably just wisdom generally - which is why I think he's able to be so funny.
All the Lightning Labs and the C-Lightning team are crushing it. I see Gentry around a lot and I really vibe with his POV on Bitcoin/Lightning (another person who is more than just technical - high level "gets it").
I think what Jeremy Rubin is doing with Sapio is going to be yuge. It's very early and tbh I still only half understand it, but my intuition is it will add a ton of utility to Bitcoin.
It's sad that the most "visible" members in Bitcoin are who made my list. I'm sure there are core devs who deserve way more credit. I'm not deep enough on core dev yet to know who my heroes are though.