If anyone is still interested in this saga, I got an email last night from Swan:
Thank you for your response.
We are eagerly anticipating the availability of selling, purchasing, and withdrawals on our platform. Currently, we are awaiting updates from our team regarding the progress of the migration. Once the migration is successfully completed, we will promptly notify you.
We are hoping for later today, and are standing by. If we don't hear from our team working on migration, the ETA is looking like later this week.
Thank you for your understanding and patience.
I have personally put your name on the withdrawal list for priority.
Luckily I don't dca much with Swan anyway anymore, and I never leave any sats on there past the day the funds clear anyway, so I'm not facing a big hit. It's just a good lesson and incentive, as I said before, to go full no kyc. I traded trust in a third party and kyc for convenience.
Pure laziness. I knew better.