There is only so much orange pilling bitcoiners can do through education and communication. Unfortunately, most of the orange pilling will be done by scammers, larger corporations and nation states, when these entities continue to rug people over and over again. In other words, real significant amount of adoption will happen when people are forced into bitcoin, when their wealth gets scammed away, or worse, taken / confiscated away.
It is true that interest drive bitcoin adoption, but necessity pushes bitcoin adoption into overdrive.
What we need to do is to make sure the system is ready to on board all these people when mass adoption due to necessity comes.
Yep! So true buddy.
All the actors that grows too much in the end become scammers. I know we need trade off in life, but this MUST be a rule. Sincerely I don't trust big players, also big thing like Strike in the end will be forced to cease data to government, no exit from this. I don't trust people becoming too big. We need to work and K(eep)I(t)S(mall) or at least not too big to become an enemy and not a friend. Do your revolution with the people around you, from the bottom. Satoshi did it right! Never forget this!