Yeah I do agree, many people are lucky enough to have the possibility to buy a coffee or a beer or even go to the supermarket with sats through lightning, and adoption is going fast, a few years ago that would have sounded impossible. Maybe you can go on a trip with your friends somewhere you know some business accept bitcoin and orange pill them there.
yep I do this every time i can, what I wanted to say before, maybe in a confusing way is that I see a great importance of small merchant at this point of bitcoin history. Lambo and pumps seems a far memory now imo. Now it's time to use bitcoin for what it is and what Satoshi wanted. Just the new personal, pure, scarce Money.
Anyway guys tell me about how did you become a Bitcoiner, I found amazing in my real life: mechanics, ice cream shop owners, devs, artists, bank employee... I am curious to listen evey story...