What do you mean by "earn their shitcoin" sir? Players just win sats in a random manner by collecting virtual tickets, like coins in Mario or points in any video game. That is all. You don't earn the NON-MONETARY tickets, you just collect them for higher chances of winning in the daily draw.
No NFT's nor shitcoins allowed lol. Not under my watch. ๐Ÿ˜Ž
You got me. I was using shitcoin as shorthand for non-monetary tickets. You can have non-blockchain shitcoins, can you not? I guess they aren't really coins if they are nontransferrable. When I heard sats + snake-fun, I wondered how that worked and tried to irreverently summarize it. I wasn't intending that you personally were hocking a shitcoin. :)
Jeez dude just admit it you made a mistake ๐Ÿ˜„
I made a mistake but I'm not wrong. ๐Ÿ˜„