Sparrow can import azeed? I didn't see such option... But Zap desktop can (via recovery option), trying that now.
Your method involves 1 extra on-chain transaction, which defeats the purpose IMHO. You do avoid the change output, but the on-chain footprint is at least 2*111 = 222 vb for the channel opening.
So perhaps my method is cheaper... and more tedious.
Indeed, Zap desktop can import it directly the seed. With Sparrow you need to do some additional steps. Ah sorry, I forgot to add the link (see point 5).
great, it works in Sparrow. Perhaps you want to update your article, I had to create 2 wallets in Sparrow, one for segwit (m/84'/0'/0' as you mention) and one for taproot (m/86'/0'/0'). Then Sparrow allows fine-grained control, so my original post is now partially obsolete. :)
My updated workflow will be: create a tx to dummy P2WSH address in Sparrow to determine maximum sendable amount, initiate channel opening with this amount (basically the same bos open as in the original post) and send from Sparrow to address given by bos open.