You might have seen it but there is a cartoon called Tuttle Twins, they did an episode on bitcoin. Quite funny for adults too! Couldn't find the full episode sorry
here it is: This is the best cartoon ever. I had this opinion even before they talked bitcoin.
I just showed this episode to my kids and they loved it. I also love it. The episode was very well made and had quit a bit of memes / humor that bitcoiners will appreciate. Thank you for sharing this. Also, thank you for putting Tuttle Twins on my radar. I had no idea this cartoon exist and this thing is an absolute gold mine. I will definitely be showing the rest of the Tuttle Twins series to my kids.
This was great. I was really impressed. The satoshi accent was a bit weird, not sure what they were going for there and they perpetuated the "solving complex math problems" trope but otherwise it was excellent.
yes this is very good!
Interesting, I'll take a look!