The point is, you either get with the program, or get rekt. People will either learn from the harsh pain of consequences or remain servants of their own stubbornness.
Don't get me wrong, I love community organizing. I can go grab the Bitcoin beach whitepaper for you. I could go off about how the best places to organize are places that are hurt by the Cantillon effect, not those places which benefit from it. Its just a matter of topicality.
How do we get people to start spending and accepting a harder money? Find the people who have either learned the hard lessons, who are victims of the current financial system and maybe don't understand why or how just yet, or who otherwise are interested in how things could be different.
"show me the incentive show you outcome" -Charlie Munger
Don't bother with people who benefit from money printing. Government workers, people who work for companies with government contracts, and things like that.