I’m learning as well but let me take a stab
  1. Taro is a new lightning protocol proposed by lightning labs who produced and maintains LND. The layman’s idea is taro if/when implemented will allow other assets/tokens to travel on the same payment channels that lightning currently uses. Meaning other things Besides sats can have instant and final settlement
  2. Taproot allows the bitcoin network to recognize and enforce more complex programming scripts using a bit more complex cryptology. For example multiple people can sigh for one transaction and it will look the same on the blockchain as if one person signed it.
  3. Because of the complex scripting allowed on bitcoin protocol now lightning labs developed a née code base that will allow developers to add their own tokens to lightning.
  4. Yes it could be layer 1 is btc 2 is ln and 3 is taro tokens.
  5. Hope this helps! These things are very complex but just don’t give up! Read and watch as many YouTube videos you can and listen to podcasts. Don’t be bashful. If I’m wrong on anything I said above someone here will correct me
It's not L3, Taro can run directly on chain without lightning, or it can run on lightning