I know there are many good authors here, but are not so active. I would like to see more writing from them.
I always like to read here from: @TonyGiorgio , @CarlBMenger, @fanis, @petertodd, @theindranetworkprotocol and some others. They bring very interesting material to Bitcoin world and worth paying attention to what they say.
Appreciate that @DarthCoin. I know we don't always agree but ride or die SN authors like yourself and the ones you linked make this platform enjoyable.
Not much of an author but I also really enjoy how @Rsync25 is able to find all the highly technical resources as they drop and link them here. I dont know how else I would have survived technically without twitter (or nostr for how long I was avoiding it).
I always read twice your comments here, on any subject, but mostly about LN. Your knowledge is very much appreciated. You should post more stuff on SN.
Thank you so much for mention @TonyGiorgio :)
I will add also @TheBTCManual he's posting very good articles
I second this choice. Great content.
Truly appreciate it Mate 🧡
Thanks for the mention @DarthCoin, really appreciate! 🧡
Great! Thanks