Agreed, I live in a country where the local country is trying to undermine the national government (UK) via education to the young with a dying language ( Cymraeg ).
I can see first hand what an effect strategy this is for the idea for a country like Wales to gain independence. It is something that takes time , with the key goal to educate as many children as possible to speak the old historic language. This language of the Welsh is fascinating as it is so unusual to many other forms of tongue with the use of story telling and songs very prominent.
This method of teaching is already taking quite a divisive role between children that are the ages of 6-10 in the young years making the welsh children feeling more patriotic towards their national flag, which is fascinating to watch as a by stander you can see in 30 years to come half the population will be speaking welsh in this country. So my theory is surly you could use this approach for teachings little groms the benefits for stacking sats asfap.
Stacking sats as fap? Hope they focus on the stacking. 😂
Very interesting! If zaps/sats can become widespread in a short timeframe then we hopefully get a similar effect? I'm bullish on nostr