Glad to see c-lightning (Core Lightning now?) making some steps forward!
Greenlight offers remote, non-custodial nodes, and it’s vital to the next leap forward in the Breez user experience. With Greenlight, the keys reside on the user’s device, and the node resides on a remote machine. Whenever a user sends or receives a Lightning payment, be it streaming sats for streaming content, a point-of-sale purchase, or a P2P transaction, the locally held keys authorize the transaction on the remote node.
The Greenlight nodes will probably be ready sometime this summer.
But some things must never change, or Breez simply wouldn’t be Breez anymore. We won’t take custody of users’ funds, we won’t compromise on bitcoin’s ideals, and we’ll always try to deliver the best UX that is technologically possible.
I'm really excited to get to use Greenlight soon! It is a really cool solution to the problem of running a node on a phone.
Some of our innovations have been pretty revolutionary, like streaming sats and inventing the LSP.
I also didn't know Breez invented these. Dang.
Does this mean I need another BTC app? 😆