pull down to refresh

Enter using SSH into your node and edit lnd.conf
Add these 4 lines at the bottom:
save & close the lnd.conf file (CTRL+X) run docker-compose restart lnd At this point, your node is running the client & server.
To get your WTClient address run this:
docker exec -it lnd lncli tower info
To add some else's node to you, have them run that command above (on an umbrel) and get the "uris" value, and you run this on your umbrel:
'docker exec -it lnd lncli wtclient add'
(and before you press return, add their "uris" value. it should look like this:
e25b281e05320d83b58....... @qxyhqlor3wqnys7zajalxy5smfapdi7qd........... onion:9911
Here is a list of altruistic nodes that offer WT services for your node: https://github.com/openoms/lightning-node-management/issues/4
Thank you for sharing knowledge @DarthCoin