I see it less about something that competes with lightning and more something that competes with fedimint.
That said, if it requires 4 week respending then it really would be trivial for a single service provider to steal enough user funds IMO. At that point not much better trade off than fedimint, though maybe worse because fedimint requires multiple parties in a federation collude.
I'm also concerned about the heavy on chain footprint that Ark requires meanwhile fedimint requires none if just dealing with lightning.
Very good point!
I think another difference is that Ark seems to be trustless. Ie at any time I can move my funds to on-chain, without anyones permission. That's not the case with Fedimint.
Yeah that's true. It really is an interesting solution with different trade offs compared to LN/Fedimint. However, I think when it comes to LN, there's going to have to be LN integrations needed with both Ark/Fedimint given that LN is the L2 that has gotten the most adoption while maintaining trustlessness. A considerate amount of effort will be required to have a "flippening" moment, not simply "this protocol might be better than LN". There's an entire ecosystem of use cases and developers to consider.