Considering the simplicity of Nostr protocol (you need to have a single security key (nsec1...) and one or more relays where you have write access, it should be possible to develop a Chrome/Firefox extension where we can post a URL or a highlighted part of the webpage we are on. In fact, is a great app where you can highlight parts of websites and it posts to your profile.
Yet, with its nice javascript ecosystem (think of nostr-tools), we have lightning apps and signing extensions but not extensions that can take a URL from the URL bar or a block of text and can post to a set of relays. While this might seem an intuitive thing to develop a Chrome extension (and possibly so), the problem might be to configure which nsec1 to post from, and what relays to post to. One possibility might be to set a series of relays at the time of installation or options, another might be to ask the user to specify the security key or take it from the NIP07 signing extension.
Either way, I have not seen any Chrome/Firefox/Safari extension that can post a URL or a web resource to a websocket. Has anyone worked one or is working on one?
I could build this. I'm just now writing a bot with me in a few weeks.
Would be a good addition to the Alby extension since they already have the nsec.