That's exactly where I'm at now also. I've been up with little to no down time for about a year and a half.
I admit the raspberry pi scares me from a durability standpoint, and things like redundancy are non existent. I also want to take off the umbrel training wheels and learn what's going on at a deeper level.
I will keep my pi node going. I want my next node to be more like what I described in my op along the lines that were detailed by @031ef7d322.
My single biggest upgrade was getting off a raspberry pi and throwing my raspiblitz setup on an old 2012 Macbook Pro I had laying around. Dramatically faster, and no more worrying about the pi4's weird power issues or SD card durability woes.
Running a personal (or even routing) lightning node doesn't have to be expensive, even 10-year-old hardware does a great job!