Please consider the source. The authors of this propaganda are professors at Brandeis and NYU, institutions which support the banking system and the WEF. The intent is to prop up the fractional reserve system.
Remember, they will use the same arguments against bitcoin that they use against gold.
I don't have time to run through all the bullshit here, but one glaring example is their inflation analysis. No mention of how inflation was calculated in the 1800's compared to the way the standard was manipulated constantly post Jekyll Island.
They attack business cycles as a bad thing. The world they want to live in destroys real competition and they don't even consider the concept of creative destruction. They seek a world that continues to be controlled by their "too big to fail" banks.
Don't buy it.
Don't buy it.
I didn't even read it yet 😅 Sometimes, I stumble across a longer article when I have no time to read at the moment but I am still interested in what other people think about it. Then I post it here before reading it myself.
@tldr, what do you have to say about this post?
I'm really glad you posted this. I think it can inspire a good conversation about hard money (gold and bitcoin), proof of work versus proof of stake, and the ways in which bitcoin will be attacked in the very near future.
Why do you bring that shit bot here, when you already want to hear HUMAN opinion?
Because I want to hear both
wrong. You just want to give AI a reason to fuck with people mind. Using that bot is just MORONIC. For me using an AI bot is the same as using shitcoins.