No, you will not be able to move a ln-auth from one implementation to another. Each one is using a different key and are not compatible.
So keep sane your LN-auth accounts. If you want to handle yourself a multiple LN-auth accounts system, use your own LNbits instance, create several accounts and manage from there as you want, and not depending on any mobile app or node.
I would not use the same LN-auth wallet also for day to day LN txs.
But presumably restoring with the same implementation should be fine? I.e a lost phone, and restoring a fresh Phoenix install with the 12 word Phoenix backup, or a fresh Breez install with the backup data file?
So aside from running your own lnbits instance, when using lnurl-auth, the length of your lnurl-auth account(s) is limited to the longevity of any lightning app you choose to use remaining operational?
But presumably restoring with the same implementation should be fine?
the length of your lnurl-auth account(s) is limited to the longevity of any lightning app you choose to use remaining operational?
However, this can be solved by services giving users the ability to migrate their account to a different LN wallet. Should be as easy as being logged in and just going to your settings to link another LN wallet. Then you can login to the same account using both wallets. Deleting the old linked wallet would then finalize the migration.
However, SN is guilty of not having this, too. But there is already a ticket.
Thanks for posting, this brought the importance of this ticket back into light!
Ah, yes, that would be a great feature to have. Subscribed to notifications for that issue. Thanks.