Great piece! I'm still working through it (kids) but in case I miss the 2-3 day window:
How do you view the interplay between free speech and prosecution? It seems we live in a world where speech is still mostly free, however you can be ostracized from society for exercising that right. In the same way that sending BTC to a certain address could get your livelihood shut down in Canada.
If you cover this in your piece just let me know, no need to repeat yourself :)
I don't think that you can have a little bit of free speech, just like you can't be a little bit pregnant.
To quote Bradlaugh: "Better a thousandfold abuse of free speech than denial of free speech. The abuse dies in a day; the denial slays the life of the people and entombs the hope of the race."
Same for free commerce, free expression of value.
The whole point of bitcoin is that state violence is ineffective. We aren't there yet, since using bitcoin privately is still too hard (see Canada) but I am confident that we will get there quite soon.
The switch from http to https didn't happen over night either.