How do I actually run this on Mac? It doesn't seem to be packaged as an actual app, just a command line tool.
So go here and download liana-1.0-x86_64-apple-darwin.tar.gz
Extrat the archieve and you will be left with a folder liana-1.0-x86_64-apple-darwin
Inside this folder you will find the file liana-gui. Double click on it and you are running Liana :)
(when runing for the 1st time you will be asked to confirm you are ok this app.
Also you can use this guide to help you :)
Yeah, having .dmg would probably be friendlier for users starting with Liana
This 💯
You need to package this up as a "regular" installer if you want people to try it out. I understand it's not hard to unzip a file and double click on something but folks aren't used to that :)