Do you mean culturally or technologically?
  • Because technologically it is theoretically possible to build an application on nostr that has topic flairs or something. Or auto-sort content with text recognition.
  • In case you mean culturally I don't see that either: Bitcoiners want to talk about Bitcoin and echochamber about culture war stuff. This is a huge barrier to Nostr growing beyond Bitcoin community. I'd be very surprised if Nostr ever draws in new people into the space as opposed to be for the enthusiasts that are already in the space. I don't see other topics coming let alone dedicated relays for individual topics
I mean in any way: tech/culture/UX. When someone says, "nostr doesn't scale to the size of twitter," the response is "yes it will people will just have to use topic based relays." I don't understand how scaling happens this way yet. I'd like to.
I assume everyone working on nostr is smarter than me, so they can't mean that users will self-shard their data based on topic. It could happen with a very strong UX standard on clients maybe, or some kind of other protocol rules on the client?