iOS is an antithesis of Bitcoin. No debate, Samurai is just an onchain wallet. Useless. LN is the payment network and the future.
you really live in your world pal. I don't doubt your knowledge but LN is fucking far away for covering most usecases. privacy, stability, trustless non custodial is still a nightmare . I appreciate your high quality work and the times you technically helped me with my LN node but come on ...
any blackmarket (aka free market) accepting LN ? Zero. All their admins don't implement it because they are braindead or because it doesn't fit ? Come on ... I use the tools that work on the present moment not in the future
They use on chain and monero.
To answer the topic look stack, even if I think ios is total garbage.
I don't fucking care about black market.
Ho ? So what do you care about ? Compliance state transactions ? LN is barely used to transact in sovereign way, I hope it will change but let's face the truth.
LN is barely used to transact in sovereign way
You have no idea what you are talking about.
It is INSIGNIFICANT compared to onchain and monero. I hope and want it to change, but I think you delusional because in love with LN
LOL shitcoiner. HFSP
I do doubt of his knowledge.
Maybe just delegated an assistant to copy-paste messages on a context basis... or is maybe @DarthCoin using Ai now?