Like replicate Twitter to Nostr?
Or RSS to Nostr?
Or some type of bot?
More info is needed to provide a decent answer (which, is yes, ... of course there are ways to auto post on nostr, .. just the details that determine how that is done).
Like Twitter to nostr Or instagram to nostr -When something is posted it will automaticly reposted on nostr
If you want it posted as your nostr identity, it's non-trivial because the service will have to have your nostr private key.
Ideally, I think you'd run such a service yourself that checks your twitter/insta for new posts and posts to nostr.
Next best thing is maybe a browser extension.
Third best thing is a website you visit that connects to twitter/instagram/nostr, you post there, and it posts to all of them.
Do you know any simillar service like you mentioned
(run such a service yourself that checks your twitter/insta for new posts and posts to nostr)
No, but it's something someone could build in a day. It might already exist.
Make a bounty
Yes im thinking of something like that
I'm working on a Nitter RSS feed scraper that can auto-repost to Nostr.
It's not done and I'm not a full time dev.
But I'm REALLY interested in nostr bots and/or doing exactly what it sounds like you're asking about.
Thank youu