okey okey I got you. That is why I find the Monero approach with RandomX very interesting specially with P2Pool.
On the other hand the idea of industrial miners make a lot of sense and having those around the world creating new sources of energy sounds awesome!
Yeah, RandomX is super cool, although I wouldn't be surprised if someone figured out a way to build specialized hardware for it eventually.
I'm not very familiar with P2Pool. Is that anything like StratumV2?
If necessary, bitcoin will swallow this ability instantly! As it happened with the NFT BRC-20token. So it's just a matter of time. just need to understand that all blockchains are copies. just a testing ground and a test of the necessity of the technology. for example the master node technology, doesn't make sense.... i think i was able to explain the essence of the structure subtly enough.
sorry but I don't know enough to give you an educated answer