There is no direct relation in game theory, but fixed block size makes bitcoin more secure because decentralization. The base monetary layer of the world must survive all kinds of attacks. There are trade offs, the base isn't made for general use, but for integrity of the system. On the other hand, monero is less decentralize and therefore less secure, losing network effect, it will become obsolet.
I run both Monero and Bitcoin nodes and they both seem equally easy to run. is there an available statistic about Monero vs Bitcoin decentralization.
I'm aware that dev in Monero do have some more power that on Bitcoin
There are so many facets to decentralization, I don't see how you can really measure it. I think there are aspects of Bitcoin which are more decentralized than Monero, and vice versa.
May the best money win.
I like the arguments that Monero's ASCI resistance leads to mining decentralization. They argue ASIC resistant algorithms discourage mining farms, because they will only spawn those when:
  1. everyone who can mine on their home PC already is mining (because it doesn't require additional equipment or real estate)
  2. the leftover profitability justifies setting up a farm
But I guess energy prices play into this too and it may still be profitable to set up a farm where energy is cheap.