With normies comes spam, sure I'd love for the sub.staackers to expand to food, travel, politics, DIY and all other things bitcoiners are interested in but it seems pretty self policed right now.
Reddit has a big problem with moderators and its' something no one really has had a solution for yet,
I don't think everything needs to kill the largest player to be a success, I prefer niche sites that are more about great discussions and more signal, than trying to appeal to mass media
If normies bring spam we can always make posting/commenting more expensive but for trusted users it'll be like staking given the daily earning.
Sure there can be a reputation score tied to fees and ways to combat spam-like having your wallet slashed, I am not saying it's the worst thing in the world, I am sure there will be ways to limit it
Good point. I hadn't thought of it from that perspective. Maybe I should think smaller. Like a hobby version of this. Or DIY like you said. I just think the spamming will correct itself somewhat when it's not free to do so.
I think so too, people wouldn't want to waste their sats, but not everyone is that rational as we've come to realise in the case of social media engagement.
I do want the site to expand to other topics, I just hope it can remain more signal and less noise, we already have noisey platforms
I hear that. I'm feeling lucky to have found this place in it's current iteration. The simplicity is really my style. This place is my new morning coffee/news ritual.