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Not here to defend Muun but I don't agree with your idea: rarely a professional UX sacrifices too much. And good UXs don't make users dumb. Unlucky in some spaces there is a (wrong) culture about "hard effectiveness" where UI & UX are seen as silly and low priorities, instead of a weapon to empower the tools.
So instead of understand and keep inspiration of the Muun UX strength it is used as a point of criticism. Of course at the end they pushed the UX too much gaming the network internals, and this broke everything.
Btw I don't think Muun UX is really exceptional, simply it wins against some quite poor competitors' solutions.
True, but in muun's case it seems like the clean & simple UX was their paramount priority. I'm not against that. The problem here is that they tried to "hide complexity" but complexity still exists.
I wrote to them suggesting the addition of an "advanced mode" that would unlock these features (coin selection, index retrieval, etc). It's not hard to do, and it could have been added incrementally. But apparently they were not interested in doing that.